Case Studies

Learn about how Bolingo Consult works with various organizations to facilitate access to information for people in Africa and raise the digital profile of African languages.

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"Guide to Your Rights - Ghana Bill of Rights" in Twi!

The Center for Human Rights at the University of Pretoria approached Bolingo Consult with the objective of making...
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Ami Series Audiobook: Championing Climate Change education for children

Ami Series is a children’s story book divided into volumes 1 & 2 with each volume having two (2) stories.....
Marry Nanafi

Translation of websites, web and mobile applications using a seamless approach

The client is an organisation which develops technologies to achieve digital inclusion for marginalised groups.......

“,” the first Website in Akan

Akan is a Central Tano Language (a sub-branch of Niger-Congo Language Family), an indigenous language of the .....
Amplifying grassroot voices for climate action

Amplifying grassroot voices for climate action

The client is a donor’s collaborative founded by international philanthropists that supports, incubates and.......

Extending equal opportunities to the youth of francophone Africa

As one of the world’s largest youth-serving NGOs, the client prepares young people for employment and entrepreneurship...